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Staff Profile

Grant Saker

Head of Student Recruitment and Widening Participation

Grant Saker, Head of Student Recruitment and Widening Participation

Hello. I’m Grant and I’m the Head of Student Recruitment and Widening Participation. I love my job and the role that our team has within the University, as we get the opportunity to engage with, and advise, thousands of students. Students of all ages, from all over the country (and world)!

We also get to connect different departments and staff from across the University, through delivering large-scale events such as Open Days and Summer Schools. As a former Careers Advisor, I am passionate about providing people with impartial and high-quality information, advice and guidance.

York St John University is the perfect institution for me, as the institution shares my values of inclusivity and fair access. I am originally from Ipswich but consider York home. I moved here in 2002 and have no desire to leave. York is a beautiful city and an excellent place to raise a family. I studied at the University of Brighton and at London South Bank University.

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