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Health and safety

Accident reporting

In order to do our bit to keep ourselves and others safe, all staff and students must know what to do in an emergency. Please make sure you know what our procedures are by viewing the information below.

York St John University is a very safe place to work, study and visit, but accidents still do occur and everyone needs to know what to do in the event of an accident, incident or even a near miss.

In the event of an accident, incident or near miss in your workplace, area of study, or elsewhere in the University, call for a First Aider to treat the injured person if needed:

  1. Call Security Office on 01904 876 444
    All officers are First Aid trained and the Security Office is open 24 hours a day.
    Between 8.00am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday, the Security Office can alert a member of staff as we have a dedicated cohort of staff who are all First Aid trained
  2. Or call Reception by dialling 0. Reception is open 8.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday
  3. Report the accident, incident or near miss by using the form below.
  4. Report the accident or incident to your line manager or lecturer, as soon as possible
  5. If you are involved with any accident or incident, please try to think about how this could have been prevented and report this

To ensure that all staff know how to call a First Aider and to report an accident online please include this information as part of the staff induction process.

Please display the following Accident and Incident Reporting Poster 2021 on staff noticeboards: Accident and Incident Reporting Poster 2021 (DOCX, 0.6MB)

Automatic External Defibrillators ('AEDs' or 'defibrillators') are available at the Foss Reception, the Security Office and at York St John University Sports Park.

In Health and Safety “Prevention (where we can) is always better than cure."

Accident or incident form

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