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Learning and Teaching

Our principles of academic tutoring

We support students in their goals using our academic tutoring principles.

Academic tutoring supports students to achieve their academic and personal aspirations.

A purposeful personal relationship with their tutor enables students to become autonomous, confident, and engaged members of society. This ongoing and collaborative relationship connects students deeply to the York St John University community, supporting them through their course and beyond.

At York St John, we recognise that high quality, timely and effective academic tutoring:

  • Enables both tutees and tutors to participate proactively in a purposeful, collaborative, and supportive relationship which involves mentoring or coaching, as appropriate, and promotes student growth and development.
  • Entails mutual responsibility for both tutors and tutees, with significant responsibility resting on students to be self-directed, proactive and independent.
  • Requires mutual respect and understanding to work effectively. For example, recognition of the range of responsibilities and demands facing both students and staff.
  • Is clear as to its aims, purposes, and ways of operating, and provides timely and accurate guidance on University regulations, processes and allied support services.
  • Monitors student progress and features proactive interventions to promote students' continuation on their courses and success in gaining qualifications and awards.
  • Works most effectively when it features both 1 to 1 and group tutorials, set within the context of a collaborative, whole University approach to student support.
  • Supports students to engage positively with their assessed work and with the feedback they receive, helps them to understand general areas for improvement, and provides opportunities for dialogue about improving academic performance.
  • Helps students to review their learning and formulate practical plans for future academic, personal, and professional development.
  • Develops students' confidence and supports them to find their place in the York St John community and beyond.
  • Uses data, evidence and professional development activity to enhance student learning, tutors' mentoring and coaching skills, and improve the academic tutoring process.

Our full Academic Tutoring Policy can be found in the Policies and Documents section.

Further guidance and resources for staff can be accessed on the Teaching and Learning Enhancement pages of our staff intranet.

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