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Staff Profile

Professor Robert Mortimer

Pro Vice Chancellor: Research and Knowledge Transfer

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Professor Rob Mortimer joined York St John University in December 2020 and leads the University’s Research, Enterprise and Knowledge Transfer strategy.  

Professor Mortimer is an Environmental Geochemist who works on the cycling of nutrients and trace metals in the environment, and their impact on ecology and biodiversity. He has received research funding from a range of government and industry sources, including: AERC; BNFL; British Council; Environment Agency; EPSRC; EU Marie Curie; Irish EPA; Komex; Leverhulme Trust; NERC; Royal Society; Tarmac; Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust. 

Professor Mortimer is a member of the Natural Environment Research Council Peer Review College and a Grant Assessor for the Australian Research Council. He is fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Fellow of the Geological Society.  

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